Each Maui Adventure Van comes equipped with...

All Maui Adventure Vans are inspected before and after each trip & maintained by a certified ASE mechanic.

Aloha Vibes camper
$115 per day

Comes With:

Mongoose the adventure Camper
$115 per day


Deluxe Adventure Camper
$135 per day

Comes with

Deluxe Maui Camper
$129 per day

Comes With:

Good vibes camper
$125 per day

Comes with

Airport pick up and drop off

Our check in location is approximately 17 mins from OGG (Kahalui Airport)

Uber and Lyft run consistently however fees vary from $24-$29 sometimes more depending on demand

You can also schedule your pick up or drop off with our fleet manager He charges a flat $20 is always on time or already waiting for you when you arrive.

If you do not need airport transportation it is still a good idea to schedule your check in with Rob approximately 1 week in advance by texting directly 808-283-1995

You will be provided Keys, maps and shown how all the functions of the van work prior to disembarking on your adventure.

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